Syndicated Columnists are local community-based writers who provide locally-based articles rather than accumulating and publishing news from a “huge” national news aggregator. We believe that the local reader wants to read the information provided by local experts in their community.
Mission—Pool and Share, a Unique and Novel Approach.
Syndicated Columnists provide original content aimed at the financial market. Articles are diverse, easy to understand, and targeted to the average reader. Our columnists’ pool and share article information to provide the highest quality experience for our readers.
Members of Syndicated Columnists are local businessmen and women who also write and provide financial articles on two or more national platforms. The goal is to bring the quality of informational writing to the local market. “We believe Local Content is Good Business.”
Over the years, local contributors have replaced this approach by generalists providing information for the local market from a central news hub often located far from the actual newspaper’s location; our goal is to reverse that trend and to use our unique and novel system of Share and Pool, we can provide solid articles regarding financial information.
Our editorial philosophy centers on transparency about financial and economic issues by providing newsreaders with tangible information they can turn into action to help improve their lives. Syndicated Columnists provide high-quality columns about popular financial issues for newspapers, magazines, and websites. Local financial planning experts write these columns of approximately 600 words in AP Style, serving the same communities that the publications cover. These columns are offered without charge to allow our authors to connect with the community readership.